Michele Rizza for Nevada

Michele Rizza in patriotic outfit and red cowboy hat

Meet Michele Rizza - Candidate for Nevada Assembly District 3

Michele Rizza is more than a political candidate; she's a dedicated community advocate with a passion for making a difference. With a diverse background in both professional and philanthropic endeavors, Michele brings a unique perspective and unwavering commitment to her role as a candidate for Assembly District 3.



With a commitment to community service and a vision for positive change, Michele is dedicated to representing the voices and values of her constituents in the state legislature. Let's delve into the key pillars of Michele's platform, designed to foster a brighter future for Nevada.

Economic Prosperity

Michele recognizes that a thriving economy is essential for the well-being of our district. She is passionate about fostering an environment where businesses of all sizes can flourish. 

Michele will advocate for policies that reduce burdensome regulations, lower taxes, and invest in infrastructure to support the growth and success of small businesses, the backbone of our economy.

Protecting Small Business

Michele understands the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and is committed to creating a business-friendly environment that fosters growth and innovation. She will tackle excessive regulations by streamlining processes and cutting unnecessary paperwork, making it easier for small businesses to thrive. Michele will also advocate for lower taxes and targeted incentives to support small business owners and encourage economic growth. 

Additionally, she will prioritize investment in infrastructure that benefits small businesses and support workforce development programs to ensure access to skilled workers. Michele will be a strong voice for small businesses in the state legislature, promoting policies that promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic freedom. With Michele's leadership, District 3 will remain a vibrant hub for small businesses to flourish.

Law & Order

Public safety is paramount to Michele. She firmly believes that maintaining law and order is essential for creating a safe and secure environment for all residents. Michele will be a steadfast advocate for our law enforcement officers, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to keep our streets safe and our communities thriving.

Border Security & Immigration

As a border state, Nevada faces unique challenges that demand proactive solutions. Michele understands the importance of securing our borders to ensure the safety and security of our communities. She is committed to supporting policies that strengthen border security and uphold the rule of law, safeguarding Nevada's borders for generations to come.

School Choice

Michele believes in the importance of empowering parents with educational options for their children. She supports school choice initiatives that give parents the freedom to choose the best education for their families. By advocating for policies that expand school choice options, Michele aims to ensure that every child in Nevada has access to a high-quality education that meets their individual needs.

Energy Independence

Michele recognizes the importance of energy independence for Nevada's economic and national security. She supports policies that promote energy independence through responsible development of our state's, as well as our great nation's, natural resources. By investing in American energy infrastructure and reducing reliance on foreign energy sources, Michele aims to strengthen Nevada's economy and create jobs while protecting our environment for future generations.

Experience & Education

Michele Rizza smiling in beige suit jacket


Michele holds a Master's degree in Behavioral Science with a specialization in Conflict & Negotiation Management from California State University. Her Bachelor's degree in Sociology from Loyola Marymount University and Associate's degree in General Studies from Marymount College further enrich her understanding of societal dynamics.

M.A. Behavioral Science: Conflict & Negotiation Management 

California State University, Dominguez Hills

B.A. Sociology

Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles

A.A. General Studies

Marymount College, Rancho Palos Verdes


With professional experience at United Airlines, Michele honed her skills in passenger safety, customer service, and conflict resolution. Her role included serving as a liaison during volunteer events like the Spirit of Los Angeles Team, showcasing her dedication to community engagement.

Additionally, Michele's tenure as an outside sales agent at Globetrotter Travel reflects her proficiency in sales and customer relations, further enhancing her ability to connect with constituents and understand their needs.

United Airlines - Los Angeles, CA

As a flight attendant at United Airlines, Michele was responsible for the following: 

Special Assignment: Spirit of Los Angeles Team

Additional Remarks: 

Globetrotter Travel - San Pedro, CA

As an outside sales agent at Globetrotter Travel, Michele was responsible for selling the following items/travel packages

Passions & Philanthropy

A Constant Desire to Help Others

Beyond her professional endeavors, Michele's heart for community shines through her involvement in animal rescue nonprofits. She has spearheaded initiatives to rescue dogs from Panama, demonstrating her compassion and commitment to animal welfare.

Michele's love for travel and appreciation for music and arts are evident in her personal pursuits. She enjoys spending quality time with her husband, exploring new destinations, and hosting musical performances and community events at her home.


Events & organizations Michele has spoken at:

Republican Women of Las Vegas

Spring Mountain Republican Women